The dealer button is assigned to the first seat before play begins and moves clockwise from player to player throughout the game. Betting begins with the player seated on the left side of the dealer and moves clockwise around the table until all players have taken their turn. This pattern is repeated during the next round. There are no limits to the number of rounds played in Teen Pathi.
When it is their turn, the amount of the bet players need to put in the pot to continue in the game depends on whether they are playing ‘seen’ or ‘blind’.
For every round played, blind players must bet an amount which is at least the current stake and is not more than double the current stake. Seen players must bet an amount which is at least double the current stake and no more than four times the current stake. (On their turn, blind players may decide to look at their cards. At this point the player becomes ‘seen’ and must bet accordingly.)
Alternatively, if a player believes that they have a weak hand which is unlikely to win, they can decide to ‘fold’ when it is their turn to play. Players who fold forfeit their claims to all money put into the pot and must either leave the table or wait for the next hand to be dealt before playing again.
The game ends when either all players except one have folded (the remaining player is then declared the winner and awarded the pot) or when two players remain and one player pays for a ‘show’ (placing all cards face up on the table and comparing combinations).
For the complete set of rules, game variations and reference guides, please click HERE. (Update Daily !)
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