- One yellow bird at the middle; accelerate through the wall, so that the upper part collapses to crush the pigs at the bottom.
- One yellow bird at the bottom; accelerate through the lower section, causing the upper section to fall.
- Two or three yellow birds needed; fire one at each level, causing one or two levels to collapse at a time. Always aim for the support wall.
- One blue bird to break through the glass; one yellow bird sent straight up, accelerate through the wall to crush the large pig.
- One or two yellow birds needed to de-stabilize the left-hand wall sections. This causes the boulder to fall and crush the pigs at the bottom.
- One blue bird at the lower left wall to break through the glass; one red bird at the same spot to break away a wall layer; one yellow bird at the same spot to get the first two pigs; one last yellow bird to break through to the last pig.
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